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HVPL Licence Western Australia

HVPL Licence course and re-fresher

The Heavy Vehicle Pilot Licence (HVPL) is a two-day course, available to candidates experienced in the agriculture, mining or transport industry who can demonstrate existing competence in completing a pre-start, general vehicle maintenance and the use of communication systems, specifically two-way radio.,

Day One:

Theory presentation and completion of written assessment:

Units of Competency:

TLIB0002 – Carry out vehicle inspection

TLIE3009 – Use pilot and escort communication

TLIC3010 – Pilot or escort oversized and/or over massed loads

TLIF3013 – Coordinate breakdowns and emergencies

TLIF3060 – Control traffic as a pilot vehicle operator

Main Roads – Bridge Supervision

Day Two

On-road practice and practical assessment

The HVPL refresher course is 1 day and comprises of a presentation with a written assessment of changes in regulations and Main Roads required topics for renewal of Heavy Vehicle pilots license.


The HVPL refresher course is 1 day and comprises of a presentation with a written assessment of changes in regulations and Main Roads required topics for renewal of Heavy Vehicle pilots licence.

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